2.4 Update Notes

Welcome, Android users! The newest update is now live and it’s a big one. We’ve been looking forward to growing our community and now enthusiasts of TRANSFORMERS and real-time strategy games can join our amazing fanbase on Android devices.

Here’s a look at everything new in this update!

Introducing Level 10

Introducing Level 10! The maximum level for cards and turrets has increased to 10.

With the launch of Android and the arrival of our 3 year anniversary, it felt like it was time for another milestone for our long-term players! The introduction of Level 10 gives players another stepping stone to an advantage in battle.

Mission Upgrades

The Missions screen has gotten an upgrade! A fresh coat of paint and brand new objectives level up the missions system in this overhaul.

We’re so excited for this update to Missions! In addition to refreshed UI and a brand new Weekly Objective, our mission pool has grown to over 300!

New Cards

Two new cards have been added to our growing roster of TRANSFORMERS characters!

-Ultra Magnus (Rare)

Ultra Magnus is the tank killer we’ve been waiting for! With heavy armor and heavy melee hits to match, his focused single-target hits are designed to deal massive damage to massive units. His devastating combo is only triggered if he doesn’t take a step, and so is most often unleashed only when the target is able to withstand a lot of damage on its own. As an added bonus, this extra large unit cannot be picked up by Scorponok.

-Kremzeek (Common)

KREMZEEK! This chaos agent is always looking for his next target, and will jump into and stun enemy units for a period of time. If another victim is around when he’s done wreaking havoc, he will jump to them, and the cycle will continue until there are no enemy units within his vicinity.

Card Balance Notes

- Forge of Solus: Cooldown +15 seconds (from 45 -> 60)

Increasing the Forge of Solus Cooldown to 60 seconds prevents the “factory lineup” of Omega Sentinels down the line, reducing their spamability.

- Elita One: Health -6%, Healing Cooldown +0.75 second (from 1.65 -> 2.4)

As a support unit, Elita One is rarely in the fray of battle which makes Tactical Support counters critical. Reducing her health by this amount allows for easier counters from tactical support cards like T.R.S. to destroy her in one hit.

Additionally, increasing her healing cooldown prevents her heal from keeping pace with a main turret attack.

- Drop Squad: Deploy Time +1 seconds (from 2.0-2.4 -> 3.2)

The Drop Squad’s deployment time used to be randomized between 0.0 - 0.4 seconds, so they landed slightly offset from one another. This stat was inaccurately reported in the card stats, as it only showed the actual fly-in sequence duration (and ignored the preemptive placement FX and randomized offset).

In addition to fixing this reporting issue in the stats, we have removed the randomization and added one second to the average deployment time. We’ve also added new more visually informative placement FX.

General Build Notes

We are thrilled to finally launch on Android, and cannot wait to see how the game will change now that it can be accessed by a new, wider audience!

A notable omission from this build, as laid out in our Roadmap, is Factions. While this feature is still on our 2025 Roadmap, it wasn’t ready to release and needed a bit more thought and testing.

Another big update is coming in December to close out the year. Thank you for playing and being a part of our community!

The Dev Team


Android Launch FAQ


Scorponok: From Concept to Combat